Extension Services Programme of National Root Crops Research Institute is responsible for promotion, popularization and dissemination of relevant research findings developed by the Institute through the use of various strategic and cost effective contact methods.
Specifically the Programme is anchored on the following activities:
a) Production of radio/television farm broadcasts/ programmes with major electronic media in the Southeastern Nigeria as well as the National Network Media Houses for the dissemination of Institute’s activities and technologies.- News Articles, Documentaries, Special features, Live Programme/Interview, Farm Broadcast, Periodicals.
b) Promotion and dissemination of the Institute’s new research findings through print media such as newspapers, magazines as well as the Institute own News bulletin.
c) Development, revision and updating of Posters, Extension Guides, Leaflets on root and tuber technologies as well as others relevant to the farming systems of the Agro-ecological zones of Nigeria.
d) Establishment and use of demonstration plots with improved production practices to showcase prototype on farm evidences of various technologies developed by the Institute for teaching myriads of students, farmers and other visitors that visit the Institute .
e) Exposure and sensitization of youths and farmers to career prospects in modern agriculture through guided tours to NRCRI farms, laboratories, engineering and exhibition units.
f) Promotion and projection of NRCRI relevance in National development through active participation in national and state agricultural shows, field days, trade fairs, and other public activities that provide platform for showcasing the institute technologies to potential end users.
g) Upgrade and strengthen knowledge and skills of farmers on improved agricultural Production and post-harvest technologies through ad-hoc trainings, Adopted Villages/Schools Outreaches and Outgrower Scheme.
h) Market Development and Extension Delivery for Processed Root/Tuber Products. These include development of Market Information System (MIS) on root and tubers to guide stakeholders.
i) Adoption and Impact assessments of NRCRI disseminated technologies.
1.) Development, and revision of some 34 Extension Guides, and Leaflets on several subject matters in root and tuber crops.
2.) Publication of several volumes of Newsletter of National Root Crops Research Institute – ROOTS – of agricultural information.
3.) Production of series of radio/television agricultural programmes in four national & local media houses annually since 2000 – for the dissemination of Institute’s activities and technologies. Promotion and dissemination of the Institute’s new research findings through print media such as newspapers, magazines as well as the Institute own News bulletin through News Articles, Documentaries, Special features, Live Programme/Interview, Farm Broadcast, Periodicals.
4.) Establishment of demonstration Farm on improved root / tuber crops varieties,
5.) Demonstration of improved production technologies such yam minisett technique, yam staking methods, root/tuber based crops mixtures, cassava & Sweetpotato agronomies through our main station as well as outstations, etc.
6.) Conducts over 5000 visitors including students to guided tours to the Institute farms, laboratories and other facilities annually.
7.) Facilitation of dissemination of improved roots and tuber crops technologies through the Adopted villages and Schools outreaches’ projects established in 9 communities and 13 secondary schools currently with the support of WAAPP which also supported in 2013 multiplication of cassava & yam seeds for distribution to farmers.
8.) Training of over 6000 women & youths on improved processing and value addition to root and tuber crops in the Institute’s Rural/Women Empowerment Programme.
9.) Provision of relevant agricultural market information on root and tuber commodities to farmers and other end users- prices, inputs, markets, etc.
10.) Numerous research findings on diverse socio-economic issues associated with impacts, livelihoods and gender studies, economics and marketing of root and tuber commodities as well as farmers awareness, adoption and diffusion of root/tuber crops technologies.
Future Research and Development Thrust
The future research and development activities in the Programme shall essential be anchored on the following project areas
1. Promotion and Popularization of Root and Tuber Crops technologies through mass contact methods- Radio/TV, Guides, etc.
2. Transfer of NRCRI Developed Technologies through Training programmes, Adopted Villages/Schools Outreaches and Outgrowers’ Scheme.
3. Market/Agro enterprise development for roots & tubers and their Processed Products including the development of Market Information Services.
4. Adoption and Impact assessments of NRCRI Disseminated technologies
5. Rural/Women empowerment programme.
6. Value Chain Analyses of Root and Tuber crops in Nigeria.
Assistant Director
Programme Coordinator
Km 8 Umuahia-Ikot Ekpene Road P.M.B 7006 Umuahia Abia State Nigeria